

Exams or Continuous Assessment Learner Code of Conduct

  • No textbooks or material related to the assessed module are allowed in the exam hall.
  • Learners are not allowed to leave the exam or assessment hall within 30 minutes of the test commencement. If there are any special conditions, the learner must surrender the question paper and answer sheet to the invigilator.
  • Learners are not permitted to enter the exam hall 30 minutes after the exam has started. If there is a special case, permission must be obtained from the campus director or exam supervisor.
  • All learners must write their student number on the question paper and answer sheet before the actual exam time announced by the invigilator.
  • No cell phones or electronic devices are allowed in the exam hall unless permission has been granted by the invigilator.
  • All learners must obey the invigilator's instructions during the exam or assessment.
  • The jurisdiction of the policy falls under the management of the Senior Resource Planning Director and CEO of Midland Primary and High School.
  • Copying or exchanging question papers or any other material is strictly prohibited during the test or exam.
  • The invigilator or exam supervisor has the right to search all learners or individuals during or before the commencement of the test.
  • A learner must arrive at the exam hall at least 20 minutes before the scheduled start time.
  • Learners must accept the seating arrangement made by the invigilator or supervisor.

Learner misconduct

  • Possession of any foreign material in exam hall (small slip, text book, Learner guide etc) or written something on body.
  • Not following invigilator's or exam supervisor's instructions during the test or exam.
  • Going out of the exam hall with Institution's answer sheet

Invigilator role

  • Invigilator must be present at test hall 15 minutes before of test or exam commence.
  • Invigilator must check hall tickets or student cards before allowing students to the hall and issuing answer sheet.
  • Invigilator must issue out the question papers as per time printed on question paper or supervisor instructions
  • Invigilator will check and record all answer sheet numbers and leaner signatures after announcing the starting time.
  • Invigilator is responsible for avoiding misconduct by learners.
  • Invigilator must see to it that no learner carries answer sheets during temporary breaks (like toilet etc).
  • All additional answer sheets taken by learners must be recorded by the invigilator
  • Invigilator should staple all additional sheets before submitting to the line manager and tally
  • Invigilator must get line manager's signature after submitting the scripts.
Number of scripts submitted: Scripts collected:
Signature Signature

Main Answer sheet example:

answer sheet no:062010

Name Course name
Surname Course code
Id number Date
Invigilator sign Learner sign

Invigilator answer sheet tracking document

Invigilator Name Course name Invigilator sign
Surname Course code
Id number Date
Student no Main answer sheet no Additional answer sheet no Total Additional answer sheet Signature

Midland Primary and High School Hall ticket/access card

Learner name ********** Student no 111111111
surname ********* Course name  

Id number


Course code


No of modules   dates

Examiner Role:

  • Examiner must submit question papers 30 days before exam commencement to exam department.
  • Examiner must follow all assessment rules given by the institution.
  • Examiner not allowed communicate to anyone about what is in the question paper or printing for anybody with to the exam department
  • Examiner must delete information from his/her personal computer or destroy papers because exam papers are very confidential.
  • Examiner should be available during his/her test.

Moderator Role:

  • Internal moderator must moderate and sign before question paper print.
  • Internal Moderator must moderate 10-20% scripts before sending them to the external moderator (see external moderator policy).
  • Moderator must use green pen to moderate.
  • Moderator must write total marks on top of the answer sheet and sign after moderating the script

Printing department:

  • Subject lecturer should collect scripts from line manager. Before the collection lecturer must count the scripts collected and sign.
  • Marker must use red pen.
  • All empty papers must stick off.
  • Ticks must correspond to marks
  • Un tidy marking not allowed (example big ticks that cover all the page content)
  • Marks must be allocated according question paper (if question was allocated 5 marks, then there must be 5 ticks).
  • Marks must be recorded where space is assigned for marks.
  • All marks must be calculated properly and written at the top of the answer sheet and sign
  • Subject lecturer is responsible for capturing marks on the system after the marking and moderation are done.
  • Lecturer should complete marking and provide documented feedback to learners to evaluate their performance.
  • Lectures are expected to mark 60 scripts per day.
  • marking number of days depend on the number of scripts.

Question Papers safety:

  • Questions papers will reach relevant department in shield envelope
  • Question papers will be opened in the presence of at least three people
  • a) School Principal
  • b) Head of department
  • c) Subject teacher
  • Question papers envelope will open 15min before the exam commences

Re-assessment test or Supplementary assessment:

Midland Primary and High School re-assessment is not normally conducted or permitted however reassessment may conducted by Class teacher with HOD's Permission that is in case of any special circumstances.

Supplementary Exam:

Midland Primary and High School learners will write supplementary exam twice in a year, first semester failed learners should write supplementary in august, second semester learners will write in February. Remarking or recounting:

CAT College committed to conduct fair and fearless Continuous assessments and Exams however if any learner is not happy with his/her marks, Institution gives right to appeal or challenge for remarking or recounting subject to the approval.

Remarking Procedure:

remarking will be done by another subject expert not the same person who marked.

Recounting procedure:

Institution only checks any counting errors.

Fee per remarking: R360/- RECOUNTING: R100/-

Scripts Storage:

Midland Primary and High School will store all learner scripts as per student number per 5 years. After 5 years scripts will be destroyed under senior director supervision with approval of SGB. Institution shall not accept any learner request after 5 years, if learner has any query he/she must resolve it within 5 years.

Responsibility Examination department
Policy Endorsed By Continuous Improvement Committee
Endorsement Date 30 August 2013
Version Number 23 2014