Terms and Conditions
The purpose of roles is, therefore, to:
- Create and maintain a positive learning environment.
- Define acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
- Promote educational goals.
- All learners need to adhere to the following rules at all times in order to maintain an acceptable behaviour.
- Arrive on time for school.
- Say 'please' and 'thank you'.
- Greet all adults at all times.
- Stay away from the carports because they are out of bounds at all times.
- Refrain from throwing any objects on the playground or in the classrooms.
- Do not use unacceptable language.
- Do not deface any desks or school property.
- Do not remove or tamper with anything that does not belong to me.
- Refrain from any form of challenge of an educator's authority whatsoever.
- Speak to the educator personally at an appropriate time after the lesson if I have a problem.
- Use the toilets properly and leave them clean.
- Do not bring my cell phone to school and use it during school hours. If the phone is at school I am aware that the school cannot be held liable for its loss and damage.
- No smoking and drinking.
- Do not bully or be bullied.
- Do not run or play on the corridors.
- Keep left and walk briskly in single file.
- Do not tamper or vandalise any fixtures or fittings of the school.
- Do not leave the school ground or classroom during school hours without the permission of the principal or educator.
- Do not bring pets, toys or valuables to school.
- Obey the instructions of prefects, any monitors, and scholar patrol members without complaint.
- Leave the school premises by 14h20 unless I am attending the aftercare or an enrichment program activity.
- Do not be involved in any form of initiation and unmannerly farewell celebrations.
- Do not be guilty of any form of rowdiness or loud behaviour.
- Do not bring or distribute undesirable reading matter.
- Enter and exit from the hall in an orderly and disciplined manner.
- Only use the public telephones during breaks or after school.
- Do not use the telephone in the office.
- Report any accidental breakages to the office immediately.
- Do not climb over any school fence.
- Do not enter the school building during break unless I am visiting the Media Centre.
- Do not rollerblade, skateboard or ride my bicycle on school premises.
- Keep my hair neat, clean, and in an appropriate style for primary school pupils.
- Keep my nails short, clean and free from nail varnish or polish.
- Exercise exemplary behaviour when making use of public transport.
- Behave as an ambassador for my school when on an excursion or tours.
- Bring a note written and signed by my parents or doctor's note after I have been absent.
- Catch up any work missed after I have been absent.
- Do not smoke on the school grounds or while in school uniform.
- Hold the school responsible for any valuables lost or damaged at school, including cellphones.
- Do not bully or be bullied.
- Line up quietly in an orderly manner.
- Be prompt and on time for lessons.
- Lead in quietly.
- Wait to greet the teacher.
- Listen to instructions.
- Respect my own equipment as well as that of other people.
- Make sure that I have my own equipment and stationery so that I do not have to borrow from others.
- Raise my hand when I wish to say or ask something.
- Not interrupt when someone else is speaking.
- Not be disruptive, thereby preventing the other pupils from receiving quality education.
- Respect textbooks and all other equipment.
- Do not touch or remove anything from my teacher's desk.
- Do not throw any objects in the classroom.
- Do not challenge a teacher's authority during a lesson but rather speak to him / her privately after the lesson.
- Pick up any litter around my desk and place my chair neatly under my desk before leaving the classroom.
- Complete all homework and classwork assignments to the best of my ability.
- Be honest in all my work, including tests, and in all that I say.
- Stand up and greet any adult who enters the classroom.
- Do not eat or chew bubble gum.
- Do not bully or be bullied.
- Avoid rough or dangerous games.
- Avoid fighting.
- Refrain from using unacceptable language
- Remember that all classrooms and parking areas are strictly out of bounds during breaks and before and after school.
- Move aside to allow an adult to pass.
- Include other children in my games.
- Consider other children and not disrupt their games.
- Move quickly to class when the bell rings.
- Get up and greet all adults who walk past.
- Offer assistance to adults.
- Dress appropriately and neatly as prescribed.
- Display sportsmanship whether winning or losing.
- Respect the umpire's/referee's/educator's decisions.
- Thank the umpire/referee/educator and opponents at the end of the match or practice.
- Listen to instructions.
- Sit quietly while being transported.
- Thank the driver and coach.
- Assist the teacher in accounting for all the equipment and packing it away neatly.
- Attend every practice/match or make my apologies to the educator/coach.
- Listen to instructions.
- Respect the venue I am using and do not touch anything that does not belong to me in the venue.
- Pack away all equipment neatly.
- Leave the venue in a neat, orderly, and acceptable condition
The Person in charge of aftercare will be accountable, however the code applies to the children in the aftercare facility.